Box Des Fleurs' Love Rose Bouquet features stunning long-stemmed red roses and white flowers with greenery accents, arranged to spell out the word LOVE. The letters are crafted entirely of red roses against a background of beautiful pink roses, creating a captivating display. The perfect gift to express love or add elegance to any space. Order now for fresh handcrafted flowers from Vancouver's premier florist.
Box Des Fleurs' Love Rose Bouquet features stunning long-stemmed red roses and white flowers with greenery accents, arranged to spell out the word LOVE. The letters are crafted entirely of pink roses against a background of beautiful red roses, creating a captivating display. The perfect gift to express love or add elegance to any space. Order now for fresh handcrafted flowers from Vancouver's premier florist.


Regular price $215.00 Sale

Alebrt Einstein says it truly well: "You can’t blame gravity for falling in love."
Tell your love that "each day your love grows deeper than you never thought before."